When you think of giving a gift to someone who has everything at Christmas time perhaps gift them the present that just keeps on giving? A donation to the Grub Club can assist the students of Bei Cala in the following ways. We use your donation to support the ongoing project in East Timor.

$5 can buy school books and pencils for a student.

$20 can buy a school uniform for a student.

$30 can buy sporting equipment for a school.

$50 can by a guitar for the schools music program.

$100 can buy furniture for the classroom.

$350 can train a person in a future career such as teaching, health training or mechanic.








Simply go to our contacts and donations page and follow the directions. You can direct deposit to our bank account or send a cheque or money order. Then email your details so a receipt can be provided. 100% of funds raised are spent on our programs. Your gift is representative of the educational activities that your donation will support.